FORTE is the premiere competition team at Debut Dance providing students of all ages and abilities the opportunity to develop a deeper love of dance while learning the invaluable lessons of good sportsmanship, friendship, team unity, discipline, time management, responsibility and leadership!
Within FORTE, the team is comprised of three general groups; Forte Company, Forte Performance, and Mini Forte. The intention behind each group is to provide the program to best fit your dancer and place them with like minded students.
FORTE COMPANY is designed to take like-minded competitive dancers to the next level! COMPANY dancers are selected and placed in levels through an invitation only process and held to a higher level of classroom and competition expectations. COMPANY is for driven, dedicated dancers looking to grow technically, artistically, and competitively. These students are hungry and simply can’t get enough dance in their life!
FORTE PERFORMANCE has been created to bridge the gap between recreational classes and the studios upper level competition team. Dancers in PERFORMANCE need not audition to enjoy the benefits of FORTE and will build lasting relationships in a positive learning environment.
PERFORMANCE gives students the opportunity to grow without a rigid schedule at the fraction of the normal competition team price. Students have weekends free and can still balance other extracurricular activities without penalty.
Aside from being super cute, MINI FORTE is made up of young students ready to take an accelerated dance pathway and hit the competition stage! Mini dancers range in age and will be entering either Pre-K, Kindergarten, or First Grade during the upcoming school year. The major goal of this group is to keep dance fun and push them technically and competitively with private classes two times a week.
If you are interested in learning more about these teams contact Forte Director, Kathleen Fallon at: